The Willesden United Synagogue Cemetery, usually known as the Willesden Jewish Cemetery, has been a prestigious burial ground for London’s Jewish community since 1873. The cemetery is in a 20 acre site, and is the final resting place for over 29,000 people including Jewish religious leaders, as well as known bankers, business people, politicians, artists and authors.
Please click on the button below to visit their web-site.

The spectacular grade II listed Samuel family memorial

Monochrome images of the cemetery taken using both Ilford Delta Pro and Ilford XP2 ASA 400 film stock. Both films are well beyond the end dates when exposed.

Colour images taken on out of date Kodak Portra ASA 160 film stock. No compensation for age was used either during exposure or developing. All light leaks were caused either by mishandling of the film or the camera body not being completely sealed against outside light.
To see the digital images of Willesden Jewish Cemetery, please click the button below.