In August 2021 I took a long walk through east London from Whitechapel to Brick Lane and up to Shoreditch.
Along the way I exposed two rolls of 35mm colour print film. The first prints you will see were shot using Lomography Metropolis (ASA 400), which typically gives desaturated colours evoking 'urban grunge'.
The second roll is 15 year old Fuji Superia-Xtra ASA 800 film stock exposed at ASA320 and 'pushed' two stops when developed. The distorted colours and grain give a very different look and feel!
Both rolls were used to capture the prolific works of street artists.
My thanks to Aperture Printing for their help in achieving great results! To go to their website please click o the link below.
Lomography 'Metropolis' 35mm Colour Print Film Stock
Fuji Superia-Xtra ASA 800 Colour Print Film Stock (Expired Circa 2003)