Please note this was the first time the Kodak VPA had been used in over sixty years, and without a service or cleaning. The camera has two shutter speeds; 1/25 and 1/50th of a second. The VPA is fitted with a Meniscus Achromatic lens. Apertures range from approximately f/11 to f/32.
All images taken in full sunlight at either f/22 or f/32 at 1/50th shutter speed.
The dust motes, scratches, light leaks and artefacts on the film were not added in post processing. They appear exactly as they do on the negatives, and were caused solely by the camera as the film was exposed.
The following seven of eight original images were digitally copied from the original 127 roll film negatives using a Nikon D750 with a 60 mm f/2.8D macro lens. All images post processed in Adobe Lightroom after conversion to positives using Negative Lab Pro software.
Please use the button below to find out more about the camera.
South Downs Walk

Ashcombe Windmill